quienes somos

About us

We are a platform for Guatemalan artisans, artists and designers. We promote, design and produce Guatemalan handmade clothing and accessories, made by specialists in the different branches of crafts, with ancestral, modern and own designs.

The textile art of Guatemala is one of the most exquisite in design and culture in the world, since its symbolism tells stories and ancient traditions. They are made by the hands of women and men who received from a very young age the ancestral heritage of the art of weaving on the backstrap loom, foot loom and different embroidery stitches, which show their mastery through haute couture fabrics that can last longer a decade of continuous use.

The art of weaving represents the identity of our peoples and is an indispensable part of the local economy, given the above, it is our duty to do our best so that all our artists have a fair remuneration for their elaborate work, investment of time and experience, besides that the Guatemalan ancestral clothing does not become extinct even more.

We have specialists who have more than twenty years designing, developing and making handmade clothing, which we put at your disposal, unique haute couture and quality fabrics, as well as one-of-a-kind handmade products. We use high quality and environmentally friendly raw material.

The artisan work is a means of healing, artistic expression, creative entertainment, relaxation and harmony for the mind of each person that with much love and joy elaborates with their hands day after day. By organizing ourselves directly with knitting artists and artisans, we ensure that there is no type of child labor in the process of making each garment and product, only teaching it that begins in adolescence. We also directly verify that no person is exploited or suffers for their elaboration.

By purchasing products with us, you are contributing to a fairer trade for the artist, his family, the environment and different communities in Guatemala.

