
Zacualpa' suites

Original price was: Q750.00.Current price is: Q700.00.

Hecho en telar de cintura y de pie
Beautiful Zacualpa clothing, includes güipil, corte (skirt) and belt.
In the description we specify the measurements of each garment.

Out of stock

SKU: TZP00001 Categoría:

Weaving technique:
Two-sided floating supplementary weft brocade.
Urdida matizada en color rojo.
Unique fabric.
Warp and weft material: Aleman thread.
Brocade material: Aleman Crystalito thread.

Fabric dimensions:
59 centímetros de ancho X 95 centímetros de largo.
Measurement of the figures:
59 centímetros de ancho X 28.2 centímetros de largo.

Weaving technique:
Warped and weft black with white stripes.
Randa hand embroidered with seven colors.
Application of five colors with bricho for embroidery decoration.

Warp and weft material: Aleman thread.
Fabric dimensions:
84 centímetros de ancho X 2.08 metros de largo (2.5 varas aproximadamente).

Weaving technique:
Two-sided floating supplementary weft brocade.
Trama y urdida matizada en color rojo.
Made on a backstrap loom.

Warp and weft material: Aleman thread.
Brocade material: Aleman Crystalito thread.
Fabric dimensions:
6.8 centímetros de ancho X 172 centímetros de largo (sin incluir el largo de las puntas).

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